Jenna Kent

Steamy Lesbian Romance Author

Jenna Kent, coffee lover, and book lover of all things romance with a sweet spot for masculine dominant femmes resides in Wayne Michigan, just about 20 miles from Detroit, Michigan. Jenna is a steamy lesbian romance author of fast-paced instalove romance. Expect them to be over-the-top, absurdly ridiculous–but always with a happy ending.

My Story

A college student, nearing the completion of her degree in Creative Writing from SNHU, Jenna is passionate about romance. She particularly has a sweet spot for masculine dominant femmes.

Living in Wayne, Michigan–just a mere 20 miles from Detroit–Jenna spends her time reading and writing. When not writing, she often can be found in her craft room, or sitting at her gaming pc playing her beloved game, The Sims.

Her stories are usually fast-paced and feature lesbian romance. Expect them to be over-the-top, with love at first sight, absurdly ridiculous–but always with a happy ending.

In March of 2023, Jenna Kent won a full ride scholarship to the annual 20booksto50k Conference that will be held on November 2023.

In July 2023, Jenna Kent also one a partial stipend to attend the InkersCon conference that is held July 22-August 10 of 2023.

In December 2023, Jenna Kent also won the scholarship to Instalove University. 

20Books Vegas Conference Overview

Instalove University



Jenna will utilize these conferences to improve her brand and become a better writer.